Growth Heroes impact with Pledge 1% in 2021

Pledge 1% is a global movement that empowers companies of all sizes to donate 1% of their staff time, product, profit, and equity to any charity of their choosing. Growth Heroes is a proud participant. Read more about the impact we were able to make in 2021.

Pledge 1% is an organization dedicated to helping companies donate 1% of their equity, product, time, or profit. The Growth Heroes team strives to help not only those in our local communities but also those across the world. From food banks, to the rainforest, to technology foundations, nonprofits all over have seen an increase in funds to the services they provide thanks to the Growth Heroes contributions. It is our hope that those in need will have better access to the resources they need to make improvements within their daily lives. 

The Pledge 1% team is always providing resources and suggestions for how companies like ours can give back to the community. We take full advantage of these resources so that we can maximize our impact for those who need it most. 

The United Nations also has a program designed around sustainability development. The United Nations Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG) has three main goals of helping climate change, reaching zero hunger, and gaining gender equality. As a member of this program, Growth Heroes is committed to contributing to organizations that support these goals. Through our support of the below organizations and our own corporate policies, we are proud to have the means and opportunities to support others.

PepUp Tech

“PepUp Tech gives motivated, underserved students the access, skills, mentors, and confidence needed to begin careers in tech and help diversity the industry.” It is our hope that future trailblazers can start their learning journey early to gain even more confidence in their careers. As Michelle Obama once said, “Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.” We hope to inspire success through the confidence that PepUp Tech aims to provide.

Rainforest Foundation, Inc

“The mission of the Rainforest Foundation is to support indigenous and traditional peoples of the world’s rainforests in their environment and fulfill their rights by assisting them in: 

  • Securing and controlling the natural resources necessary for their long term well being and managing these resources in ways which do not harm the environment, violate their culture, or compromise their future; and 
  • Developing the means to protect their individual and collective rights and to obtain, shape and control basic services from the state.” 

Growth Heroes selected The Rainforest Foundation as a cause we wanted to support as we believe the world can be made a better place with the help of the resources the rainforest is able to provide. We hope that the people who rely on these resources will be better equipped to face life’s challenges. 

Gleaners Food Bank

Gleaners Food Bank is dedicated to providing households “with access to sufficient, nutritious food, and related resources.” Hunger is a global issue that indicates a lack of nutritious food options. With the help of Gleaners Food Bank and their 534 partner soup kitchens they are able to provide meals and other resources to community members in need. With the addition of our Pledge 1% contribution we hope to make a difference to those who are being helped through Gleaners. 

Wheeler Mission

The main goal of the Wheeler Mission is to help the homeless in Indiana. This non-denominational, Christian organization provides goods and services to more than just the homeless, but also those experiencing poverty and are in need. Growth Heroes is especially proud to support this group as they serve all those who need their services “without regard to race, color, sexual orientation, creed, national origin, or religion.” Anyone can experience homelessness, we hope that the Wheeler Mission is able to provide resources to all those in need and may someday be able to expand their area of service as well. 

WFYI Public Media

WFYI is a nonprofit organization providing trusted news and quality entertainment for 50 years – educating and engaging the community.” In this digital transformation age where misinformation can be spread quickly and easily, it is key to have a source of reliable and accurate information. WFYI aims to provide just that to their listeners.

Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries

Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries (DLRS) is a rollup summary field that displays the sum, minimum, or maximum value of a field in a related list of the record count of all records listed in a related list. 

Pledge 1% is about more than donating profits, it’s also about donating our time and services. A Growth Heroes team member serves as a project manager with the DLRS group to lead others through the process. 

Growth Heroes is a proud member of Pledge 1% and supporter of the UNSDG as we are given the opportunity and further resources to give back to both our local communities and communities across the country. We are able to commit as a company and as a team to having a positive influence on those around us. 

To learn more about Pledge 1% and to take the pledge yourself visit their site here: 

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